Package-level declarations


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Enum representing different types of cameras.

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interface Collector
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abstract class Event(val elapsedMillis: Long = Clock.elapsedRealTime(), val timeZoneId: String = Clock.timeZone().id, val customProperties: MutableMap<String, String?> = mutableMapOf())

Abstract class for create custom event.

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interface EventSender

An interface that allows the host application to send events to a custom server. The events are represented as instances of the EventWithArgs class, which can contain any type of arguments. Implementations of this interface should handle the serialization and transmission of the events to the server.

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interface EventSerializer
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open class EventWithArgs<TArgs : Any>(val args: TArgs, elapsedMillis: Long = Clock.elapsedRealTime(), timeZoneId: String = Clock.timeZone().id, type: String? = null, customProperties: MutableMap<String, String?> = mutableMapOf()) : SendableEvent<TArgs>

Abstract class for create custom sendable event with arguments.

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interface Interceptor

An interface that can intercept a sendable event before it is sent. Interceptors can modify the event or prevent it from being sent by returning null.

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sealed class SdkState

Sealed class for the different states of the SDK.

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abstract class SendableEvent<TArgs : Any>(val elapsedMillis: Long = Clock.elapsedRealTime(), val timeZoneId: String = Clock.timeZone().id, val type: String? = null, val customProperties: MutableMap<String, String?> = mutableMapOf()) : Event

Abstract class for create custom sendable event.