Match verifications and identifiers
Unique Identifiers
Each session has a unique identifier called VerificationSessionID. We recommend to pass the ID uniquely represents respondents as UserId per session for matching and grouping purposes.
On the Project Designer Console ADVANCED view, fill in the "User Id" under the Unique identification section when creating a project.
If UserId is not provided, the service will only use and report the VerificationSessionID.
Multiple suppliers
We recommend to distinguish the panel provider/supplier by incorporating the variable panelProvider per session for matching and grouping purposes.
On the Project Designer Console ADVANCED view, fill in the "Panel provider" under the Unique identification section when creating a project.
If UserId is not provided, the service will group all sessions under the "DefaultProvider" flag.
Matching duplicates
The report and raw data include a field called matching_verification_session_id. This field stores the VerificationSessionID of the matched face for duplicate cases. If the UserId was set, the field matching_user_id stores the UserId of the matched face for duplicate cases.
These fields are also appended to the targetURL
as additional parameters. The field names are: re-matching-verification-session-id
and re-matching-user-id