1. Overview
This guide presents the requirements for integrating the Demographic Estimation API service.
2. Service authentication
Realeyes provides an account hash and an API key to authenticate API requests.
You can get your credentials by logging into the Developers Portal, if you don't have an account, you can sign up for here
3. Available Regional Services
Our service runs in two regions (Europe and USA) to meet the highest levels of security, compliance, and data protection.
You will need to call the corresponding regional endpoints (EU, US) to successfully manage a project or audit the verifications.
4. Sample code
Please check our requirements for the input image on this link.
The API endpoints are segmented by region as follows:
- EU: https://demographic-estimation-api-eu.realeyesit.com/v1/index.html
- US: https://demographic-estimation-api-us.realeyesit.com/v1/index.html
The sample following code shows how to call the age estimation. Age estimation is a process that uses machine learning to predict the age of a person based on their facial features. The API provides a simple way to estimate the age of a person or people in an image.
The request method is POST /v1/demogpraphic-estimation/get-age
An API reference for this functionality is also available per this link.
The API requires additional information to process requests. It includes:
- Authorization header (X-API-Key): Account API-Key .The API Key is avialable in the Developers Portal.
- Request Body:
{ "imageBase64": "string", "maxFaceCount": integer }
Here's a breakdown of the request:
- imageBase64: The Base64 encoded image with the face(s) that you want to estimate the age of.
- maxFaceCount: The maximum number of faces to detect in the image. The default value is 1.
The response is the following:
"faces": [
"faceConfidence": float,
"boundingBox": {
"x": integer,
"y": integer,
"width": integer,
"height": integer
"age": float,
"uncertainty": float
"unprocessedFaceCount": integer
The API response contains the faces property, which holds the age estimation information for each face detected in the image.
A face object contains the following properties:
- faceConfidence: The confidence score of face detection [0.0, 1.0] (higher is better).
- boundingBox: The bounding box of the detected face (X, Y coordinates, width, and height).
- age: The estimated age of the face.
- uncertainty: The uncertainty of the estimated age (lower is more certain).
Besides the face objects, the response also contains the unprocessedFaceCount property, which indicates the number of faces that were not processed due to the maximum face count limit.
import requests
import json
url = "https://demographic-estimation-api-eu.realeyesit.com/v1/demogpraphic-estimation/get-age"
api_key = "YOUR API KEY"
headers = {
"X-Api-Key": api_key,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
request = {
"imageBase64": "base64,/9j/4TsvRXhpZgAASU...",
"maxFaceCount": 1
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(request))
if response.status_code == 200:
print(response.status_code, response.text)
The API is a regional service, you need to send requests to the correct endpoint. The above examples are using the European endpoint.
5. Next steps
For the full list of available endpoints and their parameters, please refer to the API reference.